Recently, Selena Gomez opened up about her friendship with Taylor Swift and revealed that their friendship actually began while the two were both in serious relationships with bae Jonas Brothers.

When asked about how she became friends with Taylor, Selena opened up to Britian's KISS FM: “We actually dated the Jonas Brothers together! It was hysterical.” She continued: “It was amazing, because [Taylor] was the girl with the big curly hair and all the bracelets and the cowboy boots. And I was definitely up-and-coming, and we just clicked. It was the best thing we got out of those relationships.”

That's right. Relationships shade, but true BBF-ship lasts forever.

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Selena also confirms that there is no bad blood between the Jonas Brothers and both Selena and Taylor. “They’re lovely, by the way. We’re all friends now. We were young, you know; it’s a different time,” Selena said.

So maybe breakups don't always have to be bad?!

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