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7 Text Messages Someone Might Send If They’re Just Not That Into You

So you don’t waste your time.

Headshot of Noelle DevoeBy Noelle Devoe
how to tell if a guy is just not into you texts that prove your crush isn't interested
Design by Yoora Kim

Let’s face it: much of the getting-to-know-you stage in a budding relationship is done over text message. Sure, you might flirt with each other between classes or while waiting for the bus after school. But most of your communication probably takes place over text, which definitely has its pros and cons. On the plus side, you have time to think about what you’re going to text your crush instead of having to come up with cute, clever things to say on the spot (and you get to add the perfect emojis to match). But the downside is it’s really hard to tell for sure if someone you’re texting is really into you... or just stringing you along.

If you consistently initiate the conversations or spend more time waiting for a response than actually talking, it might be time to put the phone down and reevaluate the situationship. Keep reading for some red flags to look out for when you’re texting your crush. If you see one of these in your convo, it’s possible that your crush isn't that into you and it might be time to move on to someone new.

They Always Have Excuses Not to Hang Out


Not only is the person you’re interested in backing out at the last minute — they’re listing 2-3 excuses for why they need to cancel, like they're grounded, their mom is mad at them, and they didn’t realize they had a paper due.

What it means: Doth protest too much. If it feels like your crush is laying it on thick, chances are they’re overcompensating for the fact that they just really aren’t feeling it.

They Ghost You... Then Text You to Come Over


You’ve been texting your crush and they’ve made it seem like they’re down to hang out. But when you try to nail down an actual time and place, they leave you on read. Then, out of nowhere, they text you late at night to stop by their dorm room and chill.

What It Means: They might be stringing you along. They may be attracted to you, but they’re not interested enough to put effort into seeing you. Or they may only be interested in a hook up relationship. If deep down you want something more, it's better to move on and not go down that path.

Everything Is “Haha” This and “LOL” That


You’re really into this person from calc and when you meet up to study at the library, you always end up having a nice time. So you text them the wittiest, funniest jokes every once in a while to show that you’re interested and they’re on your mind. But they always respond super late with one-word answers.

What It Means: This is exceptionally confusing because “haha” and “lol” seem like positive reactions, right? But if they are not carrying their share of the conversation and instead placating you with a bunch of hahas, they’re just not putting in the effort. It may mean they’re not interested in pursuing anything outside of class, and even though it may hurt, that’s OK. Take this as a sign to move on to someone who will appreciate your wit and humor and engage with you back.

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They “Miss” Your Messages


Your crush is always suggesting you hang out, but your timing seems to be off. When you try to make plans, they’re always away from their phone... then they text you ages later, claiming they missed your text.

What It Means: Let’s be real: How does one really “miss” a text? How many people do you know who aren't glued to their phones most of the times? Sure, they could have been in class or at practice when you texted originally, but there’s no way they didn’t look at their phone at some point between periods. If they were really interested, they would have told you they were busy tonight and would love to hang another time — not leave you on read and then become available when it’s convenient for them.

They Constantly Respond with Memes


You’re funny and love joking around with your crush, but when you are trying to be serious for a change, you’ve noticed that they tend to respond with memes or GIFs to lighten the mood.

What It Means: Being funny is definitely a turn on, but if your crush is constantly sending you GIFs and memes in response to serious texts, they might not want to move the friendship to the next level. Being able to cheer you up is a major strength in a potential S.O., but if they're never serious or able to have a real conversation, they're probably not going to make a good partner anyway.

They Always Text You Right When You’re About to Move On

text messages someone might send if they're not that into you

There’s a crush that you see around regularly and you enjoy each other’s company when you’re out with friends. But you’ve never hung out one-on-one. After a nice chill sesh, they text and say they’d love to get together, but they never follow through. Actually, they seem to disappear off the face of the Earth. And just when you’re totally ready to write them off... they text you out of the blue like nothing ever happened!

What It Means: Even though you and your crush clearly get along, if they consistently ghost you and then resurface days (or weeks!) later, they’re stringing you along. They’re not interesting in being in a relationship with you, but they also don’t want you to be with anyone else. So they give you just enough hope to keep you intrigued. They may not realize what they’re doing, but it’s still not fair.

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They’re Not Really Into the Conversation


Whether you’re talking about your new favorite album or the good grade you just received on a science test, your crush never seems to match your level of energy or enthusiasm. They respond, but it almost seems like they’re not totally paying attention to the conversation.

What It Means: It’s nice that your crush responds to your messages, but what’s the point if it seems like they don’t really want to talk? No matter who you’re having a conversation with, you want that person to mirror your energy when you express your love or passion for something. Anything less feels like a rejection. If your crush doesn’t do that, then they might not be too interested in you. And you deserve someone that hangs on to your every word.

Headshot of Noelle Devoe
Noelle Devoe
Entertainment Editor

When I'm not holed up in my room going on a completely unproductive Netflix binge or Tumblr stalking Timothée Chalomet, I'm searching for awesome celeb news stories that Seventeen readers will love!

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