Is it just me, or does any desire to dress up go out the window once it actually starts to feel like winter? Sure, I love to rock a sweater dress and boots as much as the next trendsetter—but when it’s sooo cold that I feel like I’m lit-er-ally living in the tundra, ditching pants seems like a bad idea. So, more times than not, I stick to the same jeans and sweater combo. (Comfy? Yes. Ideal for fancier winter events? Not really.) Leave it to TikTok, though, to find the the perfect solution: fleece-lined tights.

Fleece Lined Tights
Blostirno Fleece Lined Tights
$23 at Amazon
Fleece Lined Thermal Tights
Soxbang Fleece Lined Thermal Tights
Fleece Lined Tights
Blostirno Fleece Lined Tights
Sheer Fleece Winter Pantyhose
Aobiono Sheer Fleece Winter Pantyhose

In case you haven’t seen this cold-weather essential on your feed yet, let me break it down for you. At first glance, they look like any other pair of tights—with an opaque finish and some flesh tones. (We’d love to see a more shade-inclusive collection in these tights soon!) What makes them extra special, however, is that these leggings are lined with a super soft fleece (!) that will actually keep you warm (!!) this winter. A shiver-free way to rock a chic dress or skirt? Um, yes please. In fact, unless you own a pair of fleece-lined pants, these tights might be warmer than your go-to jeans.

Of course, there’s a lot more to these tights than their fleece lining. The elastic waistband offers a second skin-like fit, and they also come in two silhouettes—footed and stirrup—so you’re bound to find a pair that’s both comfy and cozy. Not to mention, you can snag some for around $25. And when you think about how much you’ll use these tights this winter, it’s a no-brainer.

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Kelsey Mulvey

Kelsey Mulvey is a freelance lifestyle journalist, who covers shopping and deals for Good Housekeeping, Women's Health, and ELLE Decor, among others. Her hobbies include themed spinning classes, Netflix, and nachos.