We all know and love Alix Earle, so when we heard the rumors that she may have a new boyfriend, we ran straight to Google to put our FBI investigation skills to good use. Alix likes her athletes! In 2022, she dated former Yankees player Tyler Wade, and now our girl has been seen with football player Braxton Berrios. Ahead is everything you need to know about Alix Earle's (maybe) boyfriend. And don't worry, we've got you covered on a full relationship timeline too, so you don't have to miss out on a single detail.

He's an NFL Player

Braxton is currently the wide receiver for the Miami Dolphins. He started his football career in 2018 when he was drafted by the New England Patriots. They went on to win the Super Bowl that year, however Braxton didn't play due to an injury. He then played for the New York Jets from 2019 to 2023 until this March when he signed a one year contract with the Dolphins.

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He Went to the University of Miami

One thing Alix and Braxton have in common? They're both University of Miami alumni. Braxton graduated in 2017 as the valedictorian of the School of Business Administration with a double major in finance and entrepreneurship, all while playing football for the university during his four years.

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He's 27 Years Old

Braxton was born on October 6, 1995 in Raleigh, North Carolina. He's five years older than Alix, who is 22 years old.

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Briannah Rivera
Editorial Assistant

Bri is the editorial assistant at Seventeen covering pop culture, celebrity news, fashion, and beauty. You can probably find her sipping an oatmilk iced chai while searching for the best new makeup products or thrifting her entire wardrobe.