Makeup challenges continue to be all the rage for beauty bloggers, but the latest hashtag popping up on social media hopes to make a larger impact than simply going viral.

The #InsideOutChallenge, created by Canadian Yasaman Gheidi, hopes to take on the stigma surrounding mental health through art. Originally posted on Ghedia's YouTube and later shared on Instagram, the #InsideoutChallenge asks participants to use makeup to create an outward expression of what they or others feel on the inside.

Ghedi decided to create the #InsideOutChallenge because she felt inspired to stop the secrecy around mental illness. She shared a recent story on Instagram about an anxiety attack forcing her to leave an office holiday party early. Instead of telling coworkers the truth, Ghedi felt compelled to lie about her departure.

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"Why did I have to be ashamed and lie about my anxiety attack? So many wonderful and amazing people suffer from the same mental illnesses that I do on a daily basis. Why can't we just talk about it openly?" wrote Ghedi.

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Ghedi launched the challenge on Jan. 9 with hopes of starting a movement. Her videos and photo posts quickly inspired other makeup artists to share their own creations and experience with mental illness. Needless to say, each and every look shared so far on social media is a work of art. Here's just a few of the incredible posts currently trending:


Hammada Bamadhaj-Khan created a look based around the idea that people with mental illness are afraid to speak up.


Britt Gorman's goal is to show "how uniquely someone can be emoting on the inside, despite a normalized outward appearance."


Gracie described her anxiety attack or depression hitting as "cool shock of electric blue" in her chest.


Stephanie Zeimen's interpretation includes a message to "be good to yourself + others."


Tiana Lemus wrote that the challenge inspired her to be brave.


Noelle Renteria wrote that mental illness felt "like drowning, but never dying."


Kayla Thomas shared that her look, which depicts borderline personality disorder, was her most meaningful yet.


Foxys Fxs wrote, "the noise and emotions consumes you and on the inside its a battle with your own mind but you just look bright and smiley and people never notice."


Merry Weather drew inspiration from her lifelong emotions and created a look that is "robotic, doll like, a touch of clown."


Jessica Alvarez, who shared with her followers that she recently started seeing a counselor because of her anxiety and depression, said, "little do you know people that even appear happy may be not the best of themselves."

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