When it comes to your health, we love to get down to business on everyday habits to make sure you’re getting the most out of your haircare routine or shower schedule. Though daily practices like these might not seem like a big deal, they add up over the course of your lifetime and who wants to find out years later that they’ve been doing something crucial wrong the whole time? That’s why we decided to dig a little deeper into showering techniques. Our biggest qualm: How often should you really shower?

The sad truth is that there really isn't a magic number — it all really depends on a number of factors, from your daily lifestyle to your skin type. While each of the dermatologists I spoke to had suggestions, all agreed that there is no set frequency.

Though I might not have gotten the number answer I wanted, I did learn if I was doing it right, and the best practices when it comes to showering. Here's what the experts had to say...

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How frequently should you shower?

According to board-certified dermatologist Dr. Ava Shamban, while people tend to shower once a day on average, the frequency truly depends on you and the way that you shower. Do you have particularly dry skin? Are you using the right cleansers? Do you use way too much soap? Whether the right number for you is every day, every other day, or a few times a week, here's what you should consider:

Your skin type

To start, you should think about what your skin type is like. "We all make our own natural moisturizer called sebum," she says. "Some people make more sebum than others." So if you make more sebum and tend to get greasier, you probably like to shower more frequently than those who have drier skin.

Plus, Dr. Arielle Nagler, board-certified dermatologist and assistant professor of dermatology at NYU Langone Health, adds that showering frequently definitely dries you out. "If you're prone to dry skin, try to limit the frequency and duration of your showers."

The products you're using

While you might think using a plain old bar of soap does the job, dermatologists actually recommend using gentle cleansers to wash your body, especially if you're a frequent shower-er.

Dr. Mona Gohara, Dove's board-certified dermatologist, recommends gentle cleansers that are both sulfate-free and hydrating. But if you're really attached to your bar soap, that's totally fine — just know that since it's a little harsher and drying, it's a good idea to shower less frequently.

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Gentle Exfoliating Body Wash

Dove Gentle Exfoliating Body Wash

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Particularly if you enjoy daily showers, you should not only avoid harsh products, but also cleansing tools like loofahs. "Gentleness is key," says Dr. Gohara.

In addition, Dr. Nagler says it's super important to moisturize immediately post-shower, in order to trap some of the hydration in your skin. If you have dry skin and like to shower more often, it's especially critical.

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Daily Moisturizing Lotion

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Is it bad to shower daily?

Again, the frequency at which you shower is really up to you and your lifestyle. But dermatologists do agree that for the most part, showering every day is totally OK. However, you should be aware of the water temperature and length of your showers.

According to Dr. Shamban, if you're just ducking in and out of the shower in 10 minutes or so, your skin will be fine. But if you're washing yourself in extremely hot water, you should either avoid taking frequent showers or turn down the water temp so that it's comfortably warm. "If you're lathering up twice a day in extremely hot water, you're going to strip your skin of all the natural lipids and disrupt the barrier function of your skin," she says.

And if you have super dry skin, you might want to limit how often you hop in the shower. That's because dry skin and too much water can also impair your skin barrier, Dr. Nagler says. If your skin is dry, it doesn't do as good of a job at keeping bacteria and chemicals out and retaining the water in your skin.

Is it bad to go too long without showering?

Besides taking care of your hygiene and odor, there generally aren't any negative effects on your skin and health for not showering enough. However, Dr. Gohara says showering is key for "getting rid of ambient bacteria and particles from pollution."

So there you have it. Whether you're someone who likes to shower daily or every few days, just make sure you're keeping these best showering practices in mind!

Headshot of Yerin Kim
Yerin Kim
Assistant Editor

Yerin Kim is the Assistant Editor for Snapchat Discover at Seventeen, covering beauty, sex & health, lifestyle, and entertainment. Originally from New Jersey but raised in Seoul, she is a proud Syracuse grad who loves fluffy puppies and a good Instagram opp. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram!