Are you the "mom" of the friend group? Or do you need to constantly be reminded that, no, ice cream is not an acceptable dinner? Or maybe, you represent your current age accurately! Find out how mature or immature you are with this quiz, which will reveal whether or not you act your age.

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This content is imported from poll. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

If you chose mostly answers on the left side...

Facial expression, Forehead, Gesture, Pleased, Animation, Fictional character,

You're in no rush to grow up. Whether you're 13 or 23, you can't help but feel that the little kid inside of you is very much alive and well. You never miss a new Pixar movie when it hits theaters and all of your friends know that if they need relationship advice, they shouldn't go to you (unless they want to hear the always relevant "boys have cooties!" You have no problem eating chocolate ice cream for every meal and spending your free time playing Candy Crush. While of course eventually you may have to grow up a little, what's the rush?

If you chose mostly answers on the right side...

Eyewear, Glasses, Vision care, Drink, Room, Brown hair, Photography, Glass, Long hair, Black hair,

You act older than you are! You're the parent of your friend group, meaning whether one of your pals is having relationship trouble, or needs college application advice, they know you're the one with the answers. You can cook like someone twice your age and you love nothing more than getting lost in a good book. People often think your five, or even ten, years older than you are, but you love that. Just remember, you're only young once, so don't forget to have a little fun.

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If your answers were split down the middle...

Hair, Blond, Long hair,

You act your age! You're pretty good at this whole growing up thing and when the time comes, you're ready to live on your own, and take responsibility for yourself, right now though, you are doing a pretty good job at being your age, whether that means squandering a Sunday afternoon on video games, or brushing your teeth every night before you go to sleep. You're pretty good at sustaining a nice balance.

Headshot of Carolyn Twersky
Carolyn Twersky
Associate Editor

Carolyn Twersky is an associate editor for Seventeen covering celebrities, entertainment, politics, trends, and health. On her off time, she's probably watching Ru Paul's Drag Race, traversing NYC for the best donuts, or, most likely, enjoying time in her favorite place in the world: her bed.